Why is onboarding a crucial part of the success of the new hire?

With a signed contract and a hand-over to the client the process of a successful search process is not ended. Onboarding is crucial in integrating new employees into a company’s culture, systems, and procedures. It is an essential step in ensuring that new hires are productive and engaged from day one.
The importance of onboarding is especially critical in the food industry, where employees handle food and interact with customers.

Beyond the food industry, onboarding is equally important. A well-executed onboarding program can help new hires feel valued and integrated into the company culture. This can increase employee engagement, reduce turnover rates, and improve overall job satisfaction.

onboarding vraagt aandacht

Here are some reasons why onboarding is critical in any industry:
1. Sets Expectations: Onboarding sets clear expectations for new hires, outlining what is expected of them and what they can expect from their employer. This can reduce confusion and anxiety and help new employees adjust more quickly to their new role.
2. Builds Relationships: Onboarding provides opportunities for new employees to build relationships with their colleagues and managers. This can help them feel more comfortable in their new workplace and create a sense of belonging.
3. Increases Productivity: Effective onboarding programs can help new employees become productive more quickly. By providing the necessary training and support, new hires can start contributing to the company’s goals and objectives sooner.
4. Reduces Turnover: A well-executed onboarding program can reduce turnover rates by creating a positive first impression of the company. Employees who feel welcomed and supported are more likely to stay with the company longer.
5. Improves Job Satisfaction: By providing new hires with the resources and support they need, onboarding can help improve job satisfaction. This can lead to higher levels of employee engagement, better performance, and increased loyalty to the company.

In conclusion, onboarding is critical in the success of a hiring process. It sets clear expectations, builds relationships, increases productivity, reduces turnover, and improves job satisfaction. Investing in an effective onboarding program can have a significant impact on a company’s success, and it is a worthwhile investment in the long run.

As a Managing Director of Bureau Boeren executive search we will certainly be part of this process as well. Feel free to contact us via info@bureauboeren.nl

gender equality

Approach to Gender Equality and Managing Intergenerational Teams

Promoting diversity, inclusion, and gender equality is no longer just an HR initiative—it’s a business imperative. Maybe you have long recognised the need to embrace these principles, implementing programs that drive progress and foster collaboration among your (global) workforce. By addressing gender equality, managing intergenerational teams, and adapting to evolving technology preferences, you could be setting a benchmark for inclusive leadership.

Managing Intergenerational Teams
The modern workforce is not only more diverse in terms of gender and ethnicity but also in age. How to address the challenges of managing intergenerational teams, especially as hiring dynamics evolve, bringing together employees from vastly different age groups and backgrounds?

intergenational family gathering

Each generation brings unique perspectives and working styles, often influenced by their life experiences. For instance, while younger team members might prefer quick communication tools like chat platforms, older generations tend to rely more on email for formal communication. Navigating these differences requires understanding, flexibility, and thoughtful leadership. A one-size fits-all approach to communication doesn’t work. Instead, businesses should consider the communication preferences of their employees when selecting and implementing technology platforms. Promoting Equality in Teams For diversity to truly thrive in the workplace, inclusion must be apriority—especially for leaders. The more diverse the team, the greater the need for inclusive leadership.

This is where leadership principles come into play. A Global company emphasises three core principles for its leaders:
Create Clarity: Ensure everyone understands the team’s goals and how their work contributes to the bigger picture.
Generate Energy: Cultivate a positive environment where team members feel motivated and energised to do their best work.
Deliver Success: Focus on achieving measurable outcomes while supporting each other along the way.
By upholding these principles, this company’s leaders aim to create teams that are not only diverse but also inclusive and high- performing. In these environments, employees feel empowered to contribute their best, driving both personal and organisational success.

As businesses like yours continue to navigate the challenges of gender equality, intergenerational collaboration, and evolving workplace dynamics, it’s clear that leadership plays a pivotal role. Commitment to diversity and inclusion, through initiatives like ERGs and leadership principles, sets a strong example for other companies.

Do you feel to elaborate on this subject with me? Don’t hesitate to contact me at info@bureauboeren.nl

Drie factoren om voor jou te kiezen in de arbeidsmarkt!

Vier werkzoekenden per vacature.
In het algemeen is de vraag naar arbeid groter dan het gekwalificeerde aanbod. Gemiddeld zijn er in 2023 4 (vier) werkzoekenden per vacature. In de sector Retail zijn dat er gemiddeld 17 per vacature. In Horeca gemiddeld 14 per vacature (bron: Indeed rapport arbeidsmarkt 2023). Dit spanningsveld zorgt voor langere procedures in het vinden. En op het moment dat je denkt een geschikte kandidaat te hebben gevonden, haakt deze voor een iets hoger salaris af.

Waarom zou een werknemer voor jou kiezen?
Dat betekent dat werknemers meer kunnen verwachten van werkgevers. Welke belangrijkste factoren bestaan waarop werknemers uiteindelijk voor jou als werkgever kiezen. Hieronder zijn ze op een rijtje gezet:

  1. Transparantie over salaris; eind 2026/begin 2027 is de wettelijke EU-richtlijn van kracht waarbij de loontransparantie verplicht wordt gesteld. Dit is om de vrouw/man verschillen zichtbaar te maken. Het geeft dus ook inzicht in de verschillen tussen bedrijven onderling. Salaris is een blijvertje als keuzecriterium.
  2. Flexibiliteit; hoe bied je ruimte aan het zelfstandig indelen van de werkweek? Hybride/remote werken. Engels als voertaal. Het huisdier mee naar het werk. Het zijn zaken die betrekking hebben op een gevraagde balans tussen werk en privé. Deze balans komt eerder dan de loopbaan ontwikkeling mogelijkheden binnen de organisatie.
  3. Mentaal welzijn; Bij een nieuwe generatie werknemers lijkt de kans op een burn-out vroeg in de loopbaan groter. In spitsuur van het leven besteed ik daar meer aandacht aan. Elementen als werkdruk, gevoel ergens bij te horen (“belonging”), erkenning door de meerdere en collega’s en de mate van autonomie kunnen factoren zijn die mede bepalen hoe je mentale welzijn is.

Leiderschap in een complexer wordende omgeving.
Het vraagt om ander leiderschap van de top van een bedrijf om in te zien dat het aantrekken én vooral ook behouden van werknemers vandaag te dag te organiseren is. Leiderschap vraagt om visie op de bijdrage die je kunt en wilt leveren met de organisatie. In deze tijden waarin je paradoxen probeert te managen zul je als werkgever vanuit de visie actief een rol spelen om de werknemer te bereiken, te boeien en uiteindelijk te binden!

Mocht je opmerkingen/vragen hebben naar aanleiding van deze blog aarzel niet me te bereiken op info@bureauboeren.nl